PriscoTech® AquaChill® G20 Fountain Solution Chilling, Filtration, Recirculation System
The PriscoTech AquaChill II G20 is a fountain solution chilling, filtration, recirculation system are specifically designed for those applications where a stand-alone unit is required.
The 20 Gallon (75.7 l) capacity PriscoTech AquaChill II G20 can feed up to a 6-color 40″ wide press. Although utilizing only one common fountain solution tank, the AquaChill II G20 has individual filtration of each printing unit. Shown with the optional PriscoTech AquaMix® III fountain solution blending unit, the AquaChill II G20 is the latest advancement in small individual fountain solution chilling systems.
G20 with optional fountain solution blending unit
Combine the PriscoTech AquaChill G20 with the optional AquaMix III Fountain Solution Blender and your choice of a PriscoTech Water Processing system such as the MiniFlo® 80, for a complete water management solution.